Thank you for supporting the Governor’s Conference on Economic Development!
Please make checks payable and mail to:
Hawthorn Foundation
P.O. Box 93
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of registration and contract prior to July 31 forfeits 50% of total fee remitted. Cancellations postmarked after July 31 will forfeit all fees remitted. All cancellations must be in writing.
Management reserves the right to cancel the Missouri Governor’s Conference on Economic Development or the exhibits. Should this occur, you will be notified and money received will be refunded no later than October 15.
The undersigned exhibitor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold forever harmless management of the Missouri Governor’s Conference on Economic Development, Hawthorn Foundation, its officers, agents and employees for any loss, damage or injury sustained by an exhibitor or any other person caused by fire, theft, water, accidents or in any other manner resulting from the act or failure to act of the undersigned exhibitor, its agents or employees or by any other party or parties.
Exhibitors will only display facilities, products and services regularly sold by them. Exhibitors must receive consent from Margaritaville should food or beverage products be distributed in any form. Additional items (electrical, communications, material handling, carpet, etc.) will be the responsibility of the exhibitor.
For cancellations, contact Annette Wallace by emailing