The Kit Bond Citizen Leadership Award was established in 2018 to honor a regional or statewide leader who exemplifies the Hawthorn Foundation mission to promote the economic prosperity of all Missourians. The award bears the name of our founder, former Senator Kit Bond, and pays tribute to the amazing contribution Senator Bond has made to our state. The honorees are selected by the Hawthorn Foundation Executive Committee.
Past Honorees
2024: Gary Forsee
2021: Former Kansas City Mayor Kay Barnes
2023: Peter and Jack Herschend
2019: Jim Anderson, Springfield, MO
2022: US Senator Roy Blunt
Senator Christopher “Kit” Bond
With 40 years of distinguished service as Missouri’s 47th and 49th governor, then as a four-term United States Senator, Christopher S. “Kit” Bond has earned a reputation as a skilled statesman able to build coalitions. In 1982, Governor Bond worked with state legislators and key private citizens to create the Hawthorn Foundation, a partnership between talented business leaders and state government aimed at attracting, promoting, and retaining business within the state of Missouri. Over the years, Senator Bond has dedicated himself to promoting Missouri’s interests. His goals have been and continue to be generating more partners, customers, and suppliers in our state and enhancing the tax base by bringing new jobs to the Midwest. He has been described as “an original Missourian” and continues to work tirelessly on behalf of the Hawthorn Foundation and its endeavors.
The Kit Bond Citizen Leadership Award was established by the Hawthorn Foundation Executive Committee. The recipient is to be either a regional or statewide leader who has exemplified a commitment to the Hawthorn Foundation’s mission. Senator Bond and the Hawthorn Foundation Officers make up the nominating committee, and the Hawthorn Foundation Executive Committee confirms the nomination by majority vote. The award will be presented annually at a dinner following the March/April board meeting.