Reinvigorating Job Growth in Missouri
Immediately following his second gubernatorial inauguration in 1981, Christopher “Kit” Bond set out to fulfill a campaign promise to reinvigorate job growth in Missouri. Amidst challenging economic times, the state needed to attract new business, but Governor Bond also felt that the expenses associated with doing so should not be passed along to taxpayers.
To address this urgent need, the Governor convened key members of his staff from the Department of Consumer Affairs, Regulation and Licensing (CARL) as well as Tom Bash, a Kansas City businessman who specialized in marketing. Jo Frappier, the Director of CARL, and Governor Bond were concerned that there was competition among Missouri communities where cooperation was truly needed. In May 1981, the Missouri Foundation for Economic Development was incorporated. The initial members of the Board of Directors were:
Governor Kit Bond
Jo Frappier - Director of Department of Consumer Affairs, Regulation and Licensing
Steve Dust - Director of Economic and Community Development
Tom Bash - Specialist in Community Development
Jim Cumbee, the Assistant Director of CARL, was named as the first Agent, a title that later evolved into the position of Executive Director.
Launching Hawthorn Foundation
During its first year, the organization sent thousands of letters to businesses across the state to introduce the new foundation. In 1982, the name of the organization was changed to the Hawthorn Foundation after the state flower. The initial members of the Hawthorn Foundation board were:
Edward T. Baur - Baur Properties, St. Louis
Rachel Balbach - Centerre Bank, St. Louis
Martin Toma - Essex Construction, Herculaneum
William W. Quigg - Central Bank, Jefferson City
Through private contributions and board dues, the foundation was able to establish a fund for the sitting Governor, regardless of party, to travel and promote Missouri businesses overseas. Delegations also visited other states to learn best practices and to collaborate with innovators working on similar public/private partnerships at the state level.
Forming Missouri Partnership
In 2006, the Missouri Department of Economic Development (DED) proposed the creation of a separate organization whose sole focus would be the recruitment of new businesses to the state, while DED would focus directly on helping to grow and support existing Missouri businesses. That proposal resulted in the creation of Missouri Partnership. The new organization would allow Missouri to better compete with other states to attract large, international companies. Hawthorn Foundation became a key funder of Missouri Partnership’s operations. Since 2008, Missouri Partnership has worked with partners statewide to attract companies that have created 29,000+ new jobs, $1.5 billion+ in new annual payroll, and $3.9 billion+ in new capital investment.

Funding Opportunities to Promote Missouri Abroad
While delving into these innovative projects, Hawthorn Foundation has stayed true to its founding principles. Early on, Hawthorn helped to establish offices in Germany and Japan to promote the benefits of doing business with and in Missouri. Funds have been continuously provided so that Governors Bond, Ashcroft, Carnahan, Holden, Blunt, Nixon, Greitens, and Parson could travel both domestically and internationally to gather ideas and create new business opportunities. Leaders have traveled abroad with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra to share our artistic talent and also with members of our state police forces who conducted training in community policing. Other trips were taken to promote the sale of high-tech military hardware in Greece, agricultural products in Canada and Cuba, automotive parts in Mexico, agricultural chemicals in Brazil, professional services in the UK and Switzerland, consumer goods in Southeast Asia, and electrical appliances in the Middle East, among others. The funds consistently provided by Hawthorn and its members have facilitated business opportunities that could not have taken place otherwise.
Supporting Statewide Initiatives
Over its 35-year existence, Hawthorn staff and its members have provided expertise to numerous initiatives statewide. For example, Hawthorn applied for federal grants through USA Funds to create workforce development programs at our state universities. Hawthorn also gathered members as well as constituents to participate in fact-finding sessions to help create the framework for a statewide military strategic plan. The Governor’s Innovation Task Force (GITF) was convened in mid-2017, with Hawthorn sponsorship, to help foster a better environment for business startups and entrepreneurs, letting them know that Missouri is “open for business.” Work recently concluded on State Fleet Management and State Facilities Management task forces—the second phase of task forces organized by the Missouri Chief Operating Officer to improve state operations by bringing together public and private talent from across the state. Hawthorn Foundation provided sponsorship for the Missouri Department of Economic Development’s “Best in the Midwest” initiative, which successfully restructured the department to have a “laser focus” on economic development. The Foundation also sponsored “Talent For Tomorrow” with the Missouri Department of Higher Education, which focuses on the workforce needs of our state.
Continued Growth
Hawthorn Foundation has 140+ members. They range from multi-national companies to entrepreneurial firms and fellow economic development agencies. These are our partners who invest their time and talents in Hawthorn Foundation. It was Kit Bond’s vision and the work of his team that paved the way for the dynamic entity and public-private partnership that is the essence of Hawthorn Foundation. The organization will continue to work diligently toward development, growth and prosperity for the great state of Missouri. We consider ourselves fortunate to be able to celebrate Hawthorn Foundation and its founder as we look ahead to future initiatives directed and supported by Hawthorn.